How to create a remote branch with GIT
There are two ways to create a remote branch with git.
please replace ${name}
with your real branch name.
Create local branch, then add to remote server
- Create a new local branch
with the command below:
git branch ${name}
- Switch to your new branch
git checkout ${name}
- Check Which branch you are using now:
git branch -a
- Now create the remote branch:
git push --all
- Edit git config
vi ./.git/config;
- add the code in config
[branch "${name}"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/${name}
- then save the config file. OR you can use the command to track the remote branch
git branch --set-upstream ${name} origin/${name}
Create remote branch first
- Create the remote branch
git push origin origin:refs/heads/${name}
- Update origin
git fetch origin
- show remote branch
git branch -r
- Tracking the new branch
git checkout -tb ${name} origin/${name}
- now you are using
branch - update your branch
git pull
automate shell script
There are some automate shell script for create it.
Geoff Lane’s shell script
# git-create-branch branch_name
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 branch_name
exit 127
git push origin master:refs/heads/$branch_name
echo "git push origin master:refs/heads/$branch_name"
git fetch origin
git checkout --track -b $branch_name origin/$branch_name
git pull
add this to .git/config.
publish = !sh -c ‘git push origin \”$0\” && git config \”branch. \
$0.remote\” origin && git config \”branch.$0.merge\” \”refs/heads/$0\”‘
then use command
git publish ${name}
windows CMD script
@set argC=0
@for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
IF %argC% == 1 (
set branch_name=%1
git push origin origin:refs/heads/%branch_name%
git fetch origin
git checkout --track -b %branch_name% origin/%branch_name%
git pull
) ELSE (
echo Usage: %0 branch_name